
Industry week: Plastobreiz opens its doors

When industry week comes round, PLASTOBREIZ does its bit along with its partners AJIR Bretagne, Polyvia Pôle Formation UIMM - Bretagne and opens its doors to the public.

Industry week - Why?

Led by the Directorate General for Enterprise, Industry Week helps to change the public’s and young people’s perception of industry and its professions through events organised throughout France.

In Brittany, many events are organised in the region from 14th to 30 November, highlighting the wealth and diversity of the industrial sector and its professions. These efforts in Brittany are led by AJIR Bretagne.

Goal: To boost the appeal of the industrial sector in general and more specifically that of plastics processing to promote our industry and the wealth of professions open to secondary school students, apprentices and anyone looking for a job or occupationally mobile.

For many years, Plastobreiz has regularly organised:

    Tours on site for secondary school students
    Professional zoom meetings for secondary school students
    Speaking in classes
    Joining panels of judges

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Eco-design and manufacturing in France, since 1977

Plastobreiz and Plastoloir are part of the French independent B2F family group, firmly established at the heart of the Greater West.
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